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Hi there! I am a freelance writer who lives and breaths content on a daily basis. I consider myself to be a living paradox. An old soul trapped in a modern world. A self-proclaimed hopeless romantic and a professional over-thinker. I can't start anything unless I have my coffee. Writing has been and always will be my way of calming the storms in my heart and mind.

Top 10 Things You Should Never Say During a Job Interview

If you are on a job search, one of the important things you need to prepare is your answers to the job interview. It...

Top 10 Horror Movies of All Time

It's Halloween season again and you know what that means. Time to take out the box filled with horror movies collection and build a...

Top 10 Hair-Raising Hotels in the World

Hotels are safe havens for us when we go traveling. It is like a home away from home. So, having ghosts in your hotel...

Top 10 Torture Methods of Long Ago

The first question that comes to mind when you hear things such as torture is, “How can anyone be so cruel?”. Yes, people in...

Top 10 Pick Up Lines that Actually Work

Women have become so used to cheesy pickup lines that most can smell one coming even from across the room in a crowded restaurant...

Top 10 Most Expensive Liquors in the World

These liquors are some of the best in the world and the most expensive. They are priced from $10,000 to as much as $...

Top 10 Most Beautiful Dances in the World

Sometimes, you just feel the need to express yourself in whatever way possible. You can paint, write or simply talk about it. There’s actually...

Top 10 Haunted Graveyards Around the Globe

As Halloween is fast approaching, it’s time for some good old scary and haunted stuff. Here are the top ten scariest graveyards, cemeteries, or...

Top 10 Strange Disappearances Linked to Bermuda Triangle

The Bermuda Triangle is a very strange place. There have been a lot of mysterious disappearances over the years, making us believe that the...

Top 10 Non-Profit Humanitarian Organizations

Non-profit organizations were established to enhance the situations of everyone in society. Some organizations are aimed at prioritizing education, healthcare, scientific or religious discoveries,...

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