Hi there! I am a freelance writer who lives and breaths content on a daily basis. I consider myself to be a living paradox. An old soul trapped in a modern world. A self-proclaimed hopeless romantic and a professional over-thinker. I can't start anything unless I have my coffee. Writing has been and always will be my way of calming the storms in my heart and mind.
Top 10 Hardest Languages In The World
Jovarie -
Learning and mastering new languages offer tons of benefits. Apart from making your travels around the globe much more convenient, it can provide a...
Top 10 Foods That Improve Your Memory
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Do you find yourself constantly forgetting important things? Are you the forgetful type to the point of failing to remember things you have learned?...
Top 10 Ways To Make Your Christmas Memorable
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Christmas is the time of celebrations ad fun and everyone is having their own plans to make their Christmas the most memorable one. You...
Top 10 Ways to Burn Fat Without Strenuous Exercise
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There is no doubt that exercise is the key to fast and effective weight loss. People exercise on a regular basis to burn more...
Top 10 Reasons Why Some Men Are Not Faithful
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What makes men cheat and look for someone else? Some think because they will never get caught, some maybe because they’re being neglected, or...
Top 10 Scented Flowers
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Flowers are nature’s gift to mankind. Undeniably, there are tons of flowers possessing that unexplainably enchanting scent that you just seem to can't get...
Top 10 Reasons Why Coconut Oil is Good for You
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You’ve heard about coconut oil and how it is labeled as among the “superfoods.” Thanks to its more than 90% saturated fat and antimicrobial,...
Top 10 Travel Lifehacks That Everyone Should Know
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Travelling can be fun for a lot of people but there are times when traveling can be a painful experience especially for those who...
Top 10 Foods That Help Strengthen The Heart
Jovarie -
The heart is a very crucial organ that helps us to carry out our day-to-day activities. The function of the heart is to pump...
Top 10 Foods To Avoid During Weight Loss
Jovarie -
Healthy eating is an important part of the weight loss puzzle. What you eat will pretty much determine how much you weigh. Poor food...