Home Health Top 10 Most Common Skin Issues Among Men and Women

Top 10 Most Common Skin Issues Among Men and Women

Top 10 Most Common Skin Issues Among Men and Women

Skin problems are not new, almost everyone has suffered one or two skin issues in his or her lifetime. Some of them just go away after a certain period of time, while others remain quite stubbornly. If you are struggling with some of the worst, remember that you are not alone.

1. Acne

Acne is a skin condition characterized by the presence of blackheads, whiteheads, pimples, and scarring. This happens when the hair follicles get plugged with dirt, dead skin cells, and sebum. The plug, then, causes the hair follicles to become inflamed.

Acne may also appear, not only on the face but also on the neck, back, chest and shoulders. This is one of the biggest problems among teens undergoing puberty, but this may also continue through adulthood.

2. Rashes caused by allergies

A rash is a skin condition that affects the color and texture of the skin. It can be localized or appear all over the body. Rashes tend to make the skin itchy, bumpy, warm, dry, cracked, swell, and may even be painful.

Different rashes also need different treatments. So, it is best that it is properly evaluated by a physician for proper treatment to be given.

3. Eczema

Eczema is an inflammation of the skin, characterized by vesicular, erythematous, itchy, weeping, and crusty patches. The cause of eczema may have something to do with a dysfunctional immune system and skin.

The scratching of a lesion should be avoided as this can cause it to open and make the rash even bigger. Treatment involves moisturizers and steroid creams.

4. Warts

A wart is a small and solid cauliflower-like growth on the skin. They are caused by a viral infection, specifically a type of the Human Papillomavirus (HPV). There are different types of warts,  but most of them are usually harmless.

They are contagious and it can be transmitted through a break in the skin. An HPV vaccine can help prevent genital warts and cervical cancers caused by HPV.

5. Rosacea

Rosacea is characterized by facial redness and may produce small, pus-filled, red bumps. It is a chronic condition that flares up for weeks and months, then diminishes, only to flare up once more.

There is no known cure for this condition, but they are available treatments to minimize and control signs and symptoms. This occurs mostly among middle-aged women, who are fair-skinned.

6. Pigmentation

Pigmentation is described as the coloring of the skin. This is usually dependent on a pigment called melanin, which determines the color of your skin. If you have too much melanin, your skin may be darker compared to fair-skinned people, which makes lesser melanin in their bodies.

If these melanin-producing cells get damaged, pigmentation disorders may occur. Skin can appear discolored and blotchy.

7. Skin cancer

Cancers of the skin are caused by the development of abnormal cells that spread through the skin. There are three types: basal cell carcinoma, squamous-cell carcinoma, and melanoma. These are caused by the ultraviolet radiation emitted by the sun.

Special precautions should be made to protect the skin from getting exposed to the harmful UV rays. The use of umbrellas and sunblocks are important to prevent such cancers.

8. Seborrheic dermatitis

This condition usually affects the scalp. It is characterized by red skin, scaly patches, and stubborn dandruff. It may also affect other oily parts of the body, including the back, upper chest, face, and other parts of the body.

Seborrheic dermatitis is not a contagious condition and may need repeated treatments for the symptoms to go away. There is also the possible recurrence of this condition.

9. Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition that is characterized by patches of abnormal skin that appear red, scaly, and itchy. It may affect a localized part or the entire body. It is caused by a dysfunctional immune system, therefore it is not contagious.

There is no cure for this condition, but treatments are available to control signs and symptoms. It includes topical agents, phototherapy, and systemic agents.

10. Dry skin

Dry skin is one of the many skin issues affecting almost everyone. It is usually characterized by cracked, itchy, and scaly skin. This is caused by a number of environmental factors, such as hot and cold weather and low humidity. Other causes of dry skin may also be due to the use of harsh soaps and soaking in warm baths.

Dry skin can easily be alleviated by using moisturizers and lotions, using moisturizing soaps, avoiding hot showers, not scrubbing dry patches of skin, drinking plenty of water, taking short baths instead of longer ones, and using a humidifier at home may also help.

Although some skin problems have no cure, there are always ways to somehow alleviate the signs and symptoms. Don’t lose hope, with the advanced medical technologies and research nowadays, a cure might be found for these incurable skin problems. And don’t forget that you are never alone in your struggle.

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