Home Food & Drinks Top 10 Foods That Improve Your Memory

Top 10 Foods That Improve Your Memory

Top 10 Foods That Improve Your Memory

Do you find yourself constantly forgetting important things? Are you the forgetful type to the point of failing to remember things you have learned? Well, chances are your brain is either overworked or simply not healthy. This problem can be resolved by eating foods that improve your memory. Just like there are foods that improve your health, there are also foods that have a direct bearing on the brain. Such foods strengthen the brain, as well as enhance its functionality of recalling facts and past events.

Here are some of the main foods that can improve the rate at which your mind is able to recall stored information.

1. Water

Technically, water is not food; however, it is one of the most important forms of nourishment for the brain.

Our bodies are 70% water, thus plenty of water is needed to keep our body and brain health.

2. Rosemary

Rosemary is a herb that has a nice beautiful odor and is used in cooking. Researchers have discovered that an acid called carnosic is found in rosemary.

This acid is neuroprotective in nature and can help prevent Alzheimer’s disease and other brain degenerative disorders.

3. Onions

Yes! Onions really do help in memory. They contain fisetin, a natural chemical that helps in long-term memory as well as concentration.

The red onions contain more fisetin than the white ones.

4. Seafood

Sometimes seafood is termed as brain food because it is rich in Omega 3 fatty acids.

This Omega 3 helps to increase memory in adults as well as boosts brain development in infants and children.

5. Blueberries

These berries are enriched with antioxidants that help the brain in several ways.

They reduce mental illnesses, fight off stress-related to oxidation of the brain, as well as increases memory.

6. Green Vegetables

Green vegetables are packed with memory-boosting supplements and fight memory illness.

Some of these veggies, more so spinach, contain folate a substance that reverses memory loss.

7. Soy Beans

Among all the listed foods for memory enhancement, soybeans are the highest in protein.

They also promote lipid-like chemicals that help in brain development, with the focus being on the area of memory.

8. Green Tea

This tea reduces anxiety and is loaded with anti-oxidants.

This tea is great for improving memory and has a calming effect that also helps in concentration.

9. Eggs

The Yolk of an egg is enriched with Choline, a nutrient that helps to improve memory function.

10. Honey

This thick substance not only tastes great but also promotes brain functions.

Research conducted has shown that honey is a major booster of memory.

So, there you have it! Include any of these 10 foods that improve your memory in your diet, and you can be certain of significant memory improvement.

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