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Top 10 Checklist Items Before Leaving for Vacation

Top 10 Checklist Items Before Leaving for Vacation

Vacation and traveling are two of the most exciting activities that people look forward to. You want each and every moment of your travel to be perfect – from the moment you step out of your doorstep to the time you go back home. You prepare every single necessity for your travel, all of them easy to reach in your luggage, to avoid delay or stress during your vacation.

We understand and we, too, would like to make your vacation as stress-free as possible. So we listed 10 of the most important stuff you need in your luggage. Here is a checklist of items before you go.

1. Passport and tickets

Most importantly, don’t forget to bring your passport and your tickets. Ensure that your passport is updated. These are the first requirements that you need to show before you can board your bus, train, or plane.

Keep them in front pockets of your bag or somewhere secure but easy to reach for you. Also, keep them somewhere secure during your trip to avoid misplacing them.

2. Identifications

Identifications are not only basic necessities when you travel but also your social responsibility. Your IDs are basic legal requirements when you travel locally and abroad. They are required to be presented to terminals and airports to ensure that you are identified and accounted for.

Identifications are also your protection, especially when going to other countries.

3. Money

Money is your main means to survive when you travel – even the most frugal backpackers know the necessity for having money in your pocket all the time. Always bring extra money as you can also use this for buying souvenirs. Keep it secured and locked in your pocket at all times.

For your convenience, it is advisable to have the money exchanged to the currency of the country you will visit before your vacation.

4. Mobile phone and chargers

Mobile phones are basic necessities nowadays, especially when traveling in a group. Your phone will be your main tool for communication. Bring your phone’s charger with you also.

Keep your mobile phone charged up all the time and when you go out for a hike or a walk around your vacation spot.

5. Map

Have a map of your destination ready in your bag. GPS and online maps may be easy to use and lighter to bring, but it is always preferable to have back up references should your map applications crash.

Go old school and bring a hard copy of a map in your bag. It’s light and easy to bring anyway.

6. Clothes

Prepare your clothes to bring a day before your trip. Check your planned activities during your trip and see if the clothes you plan to bring are appropriate for your activities. Also, don’t forget to bring a few extra clothes in case you need to change.

If you’re the backpacker type and prefer lighter luggage, you can keep the clothes to a minimum.

7. Hygiene Necessities

Although most hotel rooms provide your toiletries and hygiene necessities, it is advisable to have the basics in your bags such as tissue, toothpaste and toothbrush, and sanitizers to stay clean and virus free. Going on trips can expose you to many types of viruses that can contract diseases.

Keeping yourself clean can avoid getting sick. Plus, it is always more convenient to have toiletries in your bag.

8. First Aid Kit

Ailments are unavoidable especially when you travel and you get exposed a lot. Having a first aid kit in your luggage is necessary for feeling sick, as much as you wish not to be. Common ailments such as allergies, headache, acid reflux, and stomach problems are a few of the types of medication to bring in your first aid kit.

Also, bring first aid for wounds and cuts when you go to the beach or outdoors.

9. Camera

‘Take nothing but photos’ is the famous line we always see on vacation and tourist spots. Photos are the best way to keep memories of your trips.

Bring a camera in your bag to take pictures of beautiful sights that you want to share with your friends or memories to keep for yourself.

10. Water

Anywhere and everywhere you go, always bring water to drink. This is a good practice not only to avoid drinking unclean water but also to avoid dehydration, especially during hot days. When you travel, fun and enjoyment can sometimes distract you from thirst or hunger and this can lead to dehydration.

Having water easy to reach in your bag can keep you hydrated and replenish your energy.

Make your vacation stress-free and delay-free. Take this time to relax, have fun, and enjoy the benefits of your hard work. Run through this checklist before you go ‘bon voyage’.

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